Wow, it seems like it’s been forever since I last posted!
We got back Sunday afternoon from spending Thanksgiving weekend with our families in Idaho. Both of our families are from the same city so we are lucky enough to get to see both sides during the holidays. This year we had dinner with Tyson’s family and it was a blast and a half. We were put in charge of the place holders this year and they turned out super cute. I’ll be posting a tutorial for them during next year’s Thanksgiving posts! I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is already over and Christmas is on its way. I’m really looking forward to all the Christmas posts coming up over the next month. We’re talking multiple guest bloggers, TONS of treats and appetizer ideas, and much, much more! Can’t wait!!!
The holidays are so wonderful but wow, can they be stressful. I am especially grateful for my crock pot during those stressful moments where I really want to make dinner but there is no possible way to get something prepared. Enter crock pot. I can go to my crock pot, throw a bunch of stuff in it, and let it slowly cook away all the day long. Fabulous.
Last week I had a day like this and I needed to quickly come up with something to make in the crock pot. I hopped on Pinterest (Where else?) and found this little gem on my board titled The One with the Crock Pot and decided to give it a go. And let me tell you, I was SO happy with this one. This meal is SOOOO good! Not only did it taste delicious but it was an entire meal all in one. With the chicken and potatoes all together you’re pretty much set. And it’s a lighter dish so you’re winning there as well. We were full and satisfied by the time we were done eating. And my 19-month-old Brycen loved it too! Who would have thought that limited prep time plus limited ingredients could equal a perfect dinner?
And as a side note, two of my copycat recipes are listed on the website All Free Copycat Recipes! Woo hoo! That was a fun surprise to see those. Click here to take a look! While you’re there, take a look around at some of the other copycat recipes listed. Yumm!

image above and recipe via The Driveway of Life
- 4 boneless chicken breasts
- 1/2 – 1 c. Italian salad dressing (I used a whole cup of dressing for more liquid. But use at least a 1/2 cup.)
- 1 tsp. Italian seasoning
- 1/2 c. Parmesan cheese, grated (I used about 3/4 c. Use as much cheese as you prefer!)
- 4 to 6 medium potatoes, cut into wedges or thick slices
Begin by spraying the inside of the crock pot with cooking spray. Then place the chicken breasts at the bottom.
Pour half of the Italian dressing that you’re using over the chicken. In this case I poured a 1/2 cup of dressing first because I used a total of 1 cup.

Turn the crock pot on low and let it cook for 6-7 hours or until the chicken is done and the potatoes are tender.
Enjoy your easy and delicious dinner!
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