It isn’t a Christmas party without fudge! As long as I can remember, fudge has been present on the dessert table at every Christmas party since I can remember eating fudge. And it amazes me how many different kinds of fudge there are out there! Love it. Here is a list of some of my…
Snowman Donuts
Look no further for an easy holiday treat! Snowman Donuts are perfect for the kids to help make. A great no-bake treat for a class party!
{Please Welcome} Guest Blogger Jackie Clark
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Woo hoo! I can’t wait to spend time with family and dig in to all that delicious food. Speaking of digging in, guest blogger Jackie Clark from Jackie’s Arc is here to give us some tips on how to eat a little healthier this year. She has a lot of great ideas…
Pumpkin Crumb Cake
You may have noticed that I’ve been posting everyday this week. I don’t normally do this, but because Thanksgiving is now SIX days away I wanted to cram in as many Thanksgiving recipes as I possibly could before the big day! There are too many great Thanksgiving recipes out there that should not go unnoticed….
{Please Welcome} Guest Blogger Vandy Murri
There are a rare few of us who can say they are friends with their cousins and have close relationships with them. It’s not very common for people to have close ties with their extended family members. I am lucky to be part of that group of people! I’d like to introduce you to Vandy…
Treats and Ideas for a “Breaking Dawn” Party
Pin It Is it just me or is November 18th circled eight times on your calendar?Indeed there is something HUGE happening right before Thanksgiving.Yes.The opening date of Breaking Dawn Part 1. Exciting!!(Part 2 comes to theaters November 16, 2012, PS!)It’s time to start planning that awesome Breaking Dawn party you’ve been wanting to throw since…
Chubby Hubby Bars
Pin It These should be called Chubby “Wifey” Bars instead! The combination of salt and sweet is just what the doctor ordered for this stay-at-home mom. On Facebook recently I asked the question of whether or not I should post a recipe that didn’t go well when I tried it, even though I know that…
15 Fabulous Fall Goodies
I love all the fun fall food out there! There are so many options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert that are fun and fall-y. Speaking of which, if you haven’t tried Pumpkin Waffles with Cinnamon Syrup yet you must jump on the bandwagon and make them! It’s amazing how much you can do with…