Check out all “30 Days of Halloween” posts here! You’re going to love all these great Halloween ideas! I’m excited to have Carrie from Crafty Night Owls here today! Carrie is another of my many talented blogger friends. I love all the projects she shares! And her step-by-step tutorials give me confidence to make these…
Witch’s Feet Decoration {30 Days of Halloween – Day 10}
Haven’t the Halloween projects featured over the last week and a half been awesome? Click here to view everything that has been shared so far! Summer from Summer Scraps is here today! Summer’s blog has a little bit of everything. She shares recipe and craft ideas, as well as bits and pieces (or “scraps”) of…
Fun Group and Couples Halloween Costume Ideas {30 Days of Halloween – Day 9}
To see all “30 Days of Halloween” posts so far, click here! Tia from Events to Celebrate is here today! Her blog is a party and then some. Check it out for all kinds of party ideas! From decor, to games, to themes, to food…she’s got it all! Sometimes it can be a little difficult…
Spooky Halloween Banner {30 Days of Halloween – Day 8}
To view all “30 Days of Halloween” projects, click here! I’m so excited to have Vanessa from Our Thrifty Ideas here today! Vanessa covers it all on her blog. Fashion, recipes, crafts…Such a variety of fun ideas and fabulous tips! You’ll be sure to find all kinds of good finds to pin from her blog….
Monster Face Halloween Goody Bags {30 Days of Halloween – Day 7}
To view all “30 Days of Halloween” projects, click here! I’m so happy to have Toni from Design Dazzle here today! Some of my favorite bedroom ideas and birthday party ideas have come from Toni’s blog. She is one talented lady! You can get all kinds of inspiration without having to leave her homepage. Check…
“Three Little Ghosties” Craft {30 Days of Halloween – Day 6}
To view all “30 Days of Halloween” projects, click here! I’m so excited to have Rachel from I Heart Crafty Things here today! Rachel is the master of kids crafts. I’m sure her kids have a blast at home! Check out her blog for some pretty amazing kids craft ideas. This adorable ghost craft is…
Jack-O-Lantern Quiet Book Page {30 Days of Halloween – Day 5}
Click here to view all the “30 Days of Halloween” projects! Debra from Housewife Eclectic is here today! Debra always seems to have what I’m looking for on her blog. You can find just about anything! Lifestyle tips, recipes, tutorials…If you haven’t checked out her blog, do it! I love a good quiet book…
Halloween Door Sign {30 Days of Halloween – Day 4}
To view all the “30 Days of Halloween” projects, click here! Emily from The Benson Street is here today! Emily is quite the handy gal and I’m constantly inspired by her projects. I want to be just like her when I grow up!! Check out her blog for some pretty great craft tutorials and more!…