Cupcake Diaries Last month my in-laws came to stay with us and it was so much fun. Before they arrived I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things, one of which being eggs. My father-in-law works at a dairy and always brings us some pretty fabulous goodies. This occasion was…
Lunch Lady Brownies
A couple months ago when we were visiting family in Idaho I was at my parents’ house for dessert and games. Mom had made a batch of brownies that everyone told me I HAD to try. My mom said, “Even Che’ loves these brownies!” (Che’ is my twin sister’s husband and he is a lover…
Grilled Chicken Tortellini
Cupcake Diaries I love a good homemade pasta dish. And I especially love a homemade pasta dish that’s easy to make and light! This Grilled Chicken Tortellini doesn’t have any sauce. (Say whaaa?) But it’s not a dry pasta dish so don’t you worry your little head. The oil from the sundried tomatoes jar gives…
Halloween Krispy Treats
I am not even kidding when I say I can eat an entire pan of these in a day! I haven’t tried, but let’s just say I don’t trust myself alone with these delicious treats. I’ve never loved rice krispy treats as much as I do now. That white chocolate layer on the bottom takes…
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins {30 Days of Halloween – Day 30}
It’s the last day of “30 Days of Halloween” and I’m sad to see it go! It’s been a fun 30 days with 30 awesome Halloween projects. A HUGE thank you to the bloggers who participated in the series! To see all “30 Days of Halloween” projects in one place, click here! I’m excited to…
Face Painting Tutorials {30 Days of Halloween – Day 29}
To see all “30 Days of Halloween” projects in one place, click here! I’m excited to have Christine from The Crafty Woman Christine’s blog is so much fun!! She really is quite crafty. Christine has all kinds of unique tutorials including photography, sewing, hair and beauty, kids crafts, and so much more. Talk about one…
DIY Halloween Pennant Banner {30 Days of Halloween – Day 28}
To see all “30 Days of Halloween” projects in one place, click here! Alexes from The Pretty Paper Diaries is here today! Alexes is all about paper when it comes to her blog. She shares posts about scrapbooking, planners, Christmas cards, and so much more! Go check it out! Alexes is sharing this cute DIY…
Halloween Mantel on a Budget {30 Days of Halloween – Day 27}
To see all “30 Days of Halloween” projects in one place, click here! Kari from Newlyweds on a Budget is here today! Not only do I love the home and lifestyle ideas coming from Kari’s blog, she is a total inspiration. She’s got quite the story about being struck by a drunk driver while training…