First off, thank you so much for all of the sweet comments and e-mails after my last post. I’ve really been feeling the love these last couple of days! My parents and sister are on their way to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT with my baby brother. Even though he’s almost 21, he’ll always be my baby brother. They will say goodbye to him at around 1:00 today, then in a few weeks he’ll be off to Brisbane, Australia to serve a mission. It’s been an emotional couple of days, to say the least! And this morning was no different. I’m so excited and proud of my brother and all of the experiences he’s going to have over the next to years. We sure do love him. I already can’t wait to hear from him.
After my family pulled out of the driveway at 7 am I may have cried a little. Ok, a lot. But I’ve pulled myself together and I’m ready to share a few of my favorite Easter ideas with you! After my son woke up and I got him his breakfast and situated in front of Disney Junior, I decided to stare at Pinterest for a little while. It’s amazing how helpful that has been! Pinning is therapeutic, I tell you. Now all I need is a diet pepsi and a bag of M&M’s right next to me and I’ll be set. While on Pinterest I scrolled down my Easter board and all of a sudden became super excited for that holiday to come. There are so many fun ideas out there for Easter! Or “egg-cellent” ideas I should say. I’ve picked a few of my favorite ideas and shared them here today. I hope you can find something to make or inspire you to create for Easter this year!
And if these aren’t enough for you, check out more of my Easter posts! Click here.

Easter Peanut Butter Buttons @ The Curvy Carrot

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